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Fostering the legacy of Ladino culture


 Ladino was and still is alive as the language of all the Jews who were expelled from Spain and Portugal since the end of the 15th century in all the countries and cities in which they arrived as refugees and Maranos.

But Ladino (the Yiddish of the Sephardic Jews) is not only a language – it is a magnificent culture born, developed and spread like a huge fire throughout all the Jewish communities of the Mediterranean Basin and in some other Jewish communities. This wonderful culture , on all its customs, its language, cuisine, everyday life customs, holidays, poetry and musical traditions is a national heritage of utmost importance and great influence.

We must foster it, grow trunk and new branches in this generation for the future generations.

As historian and folklorist I am proud and envious of the Moroccan tribe in Israel, which brought the Mimuna to the national awareness crossing community and culture borders in Israel.

Well done to those who did everything during 40 years in order not to blur and make this culture disappear in the new Israeli culture!

Take a lesson! We should not let Ladino culture die, we must continue to do what others have started in order to light the torch of Ladino culture.

Casa Dona Gracia hereby enlists to foster and empower Ladino culture for the glory of this cultural legacy